

Principals have repeatedly shared that time with Pam has shifted their mindsets about how to coach teacher practice and has sharpened their instructional leadership. Pam’s training is building the professional capacity of our leaders to improve the instructional core.
What sets Pam apart is her enthusiasm and ability to respond the uniqueness of our district context and to collaborate with us to create a professional development plan that we all own together. Pam is not a vendor or a trainer; she is an invested member of our team.

- Ushma Shah, EdD, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools, Instruction and Equity


Pam provides ROI2 and is extremely well received. Educators appreciate her enthusiasm, determination, and knowledge. She asks great questions, listens attentively, and provides meaningful and wisdom-filled answers. Pam’s commitment to improvement creates an environment that cultivates these same properties in others.

- Kevin Seymour, Ask Quality Questions Consulting


Our District had the pleasure of working with Pam to create a new teacher evaluation instrument. Collaboration was at the heart of the process, as we looked to create an evaluation tool that honored the work of our teachers while measuring their practice in a meaningful way. Pam is a master facilitator and was able to put all stakeholders at ease in a situation that had the potential to be adversarial.

As a result of this work, our District is able to have more effective conversations with faculty to encourage professional growth, ultimately resulting in a better classroom experience for both students and teachers. If you are considering whether or not to work with Pam, don’t hesitate. We would welcome her back to our District in a heartbeat.

- Dr. Susan Zola and Dr. Laura Taylor – Assistant Superintendents, Champaign Unit 4


Our participants continuously express how applicable and streamlined Dr. Rosa’s strategies are. They are easily implemented and focus on what is best for all involved: administrators, teachers, students, parents and community members. Pam has a unique ability to make each participant feel the trainings are customized to his/her needs while maintaining a genuine concern for his/her success and effectiveness as an educator.

We value that she ensures we have the most up-to-date alignment with not only the Danielson Framework, but also with state initiatives and best practices. With Pam’s help, we were able to modify evaluation practices to make them more efficient and effective for both administration and faculty. It has helped ease the tension of change and removed perceived ‘judgment’ from evaluation.

- Jeri Callaway, Director of Professional Development at SchoolWorks